- 7Active policies mapped
- 3Disclosure
- 1Transition planning
- 4Public procurement
Domain Assessment
The Monitor assesses how ambitious, comprehensive, and stringent net zero regulations and policies are across different jurisdictions and domains, considering up to 265 data points for each policy tool.
Please hover over a table column to see a description
Climate-related disclosure | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled |
Transition planning | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled |
Public procurement | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria fulfilled | Criteria not fulfilled | Criteria not fulfilled |
- - Criteria fulfilled
- - Criteria not fulfilled
Policy Tool Assessment
7 policy tools
Our law firm network identifies and analyses policy tools relevant to each domain to allow the Monitor to assess their ambition, stringency, and comprehensiveness.
Policy Tool Name | Domain | Year in force | Net zero aligned | Domain ambition 1 | Domain ambition 2 | Mandatory | Enforceable | Data transparency & verification | Variety of targeted entities / activities | Scope 3/non-carbon GHGs | Offsets |
Act on Climate Statements for Buildings (Lag [2021:787]om klimatdeklaration för byggnader) | D | 2021 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No |
Act on Environmental Requirements for the Procurement of Cars and Certain Services in the Road Transport Sector (Lag [2011:846] om miljökrav vid upphandling av bilar och vissa tjänster inom vägtransportområdet) | PP | 2011 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Act on Procurement in the Utilities Sectors (Lag [2016:1146] om upphandling inom försörjningssektorerna) | PP | 2016 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Decree on the Purchase of Energy Efficient Goods, Services and Buildings by Authorities (Förordning [2014:480] om myndigheters inköp av energieffektiva varor, tjänster och byggnader) | PP | 2014 | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Swedish Public Procurement Act (Lag [2016:1145] om offentlig upphandling) | PP | 2016 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
The Annual Accounts Act (Årsredovisningslag [1995:1554]) | D | 1995 | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | No |
The Environmental Code (Miljöbalk [1998:808]) | D, TP | 1998 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | No |
Legal Expert Network

Domains covered:
- Disclosure
- Transition Planning
- Public Procurement
- Johanna Lindqvist (Lead)
- Izabell Zaza